Monday, February 3, 2025

DPC: The Modern Movement in Patient Care

Reason #155 Why I Gave Up on my PCP (OpEd)
By: Graciella Davi (editor, WHD)

Unless you are a die-hard allopathic disciple, you may have experience-based insight on the advantages of FUNCTIONAL, INTEGRATIVE, HOLISTIC or PERSONALIZED care.  These terms come from the DIRECT PATIENT CARE society and are not often seen in  your insurance handbook of physicians.  Thanks to the information age, these health models are vastly educating the patient community about what 'true healthcare should be' (contrast from the unending disappointments of insurance-based care).  The DPC concept is fast approaching the fast-lane to the next health revolution. 

Several weeks ago, two days before an important business trip, I was suddenly hammered with the strangest flu-like symptoms. Beyond the seasonal "cough-y, ach-y sneeze-y" feeling, this one hit my joints alongside cold chills, a dramatic cough, stomach pains and sudden fatigue - all at once.  I was seeing myself to be bed-ridden for a week, needless to say that I was not going to make my flight. 

After my 20th sneeze, my phone mysteriously rang and it was one of my recent interviews for the Women's Health digest- looking to finalize her feature.  "Dr. Jess" Sabrowsky recognized immediately that I was far from well, and with little hesitation, she jumped right into doctor mode with "...TRY THIS!". She commanded me some strange yet a seemingly safe  "grandma-type brew" out of left field.  Two tablespoons of oregano in boiling water & a drop of oil, then inhale the steam for about 10 minutes.

I followed her suggestions on the spot (feeling that sick makes you desperate and un-resistant).  After several hours, I started feeling my symptoms break free and dissipate. I repeated this steam treatment 2 more times before going to bed. By the morning... WOW- no symptoms!

I didn't want to rush to thank her without asking around to my network of docs about this trick.  Those who were aware of OREGANO and Oil as an anti-viral concoction were the functional docs on my list. Dr. Google confirms: "Studies in vitro (in a laboratory) have shown that oregano oil can inhibit the replication of several viruses, including herpes simplex virus, influenza virus...(1). Some animal studies have also supported these findings, demonstrating that oregano oil can reduce viral load and improve symptoms in viral infections.(2)"  Another study reported "The antiviral activity of oregano oil is thought to be due to its active compounds, such as carvacrol and thymol. These compounds may interfere with viral replication."(3)

I concluded this experience as another remarkable example of the benefits of Integrative & Functional care. Where I once religiously followed insurance-based conventional care, my much expanded social circle of innovative healers brought me the world of health solutions far older than the FDA or the hospital-based system. Noting that HERBAL medicine dates back as far as 60,000 years ago- I am blessed to receive Dr. Jess' expanded knowledge in this study- deserving great notice for the healthcare evolution.  She and the growing population of integrative docs are vastly educating the world about sensible and effective medicine and how what's considered ALTERNATIVE may someday be the GOLD STANDARD.

1) Healthline: Oregano Oil for Cold and Flu: Does It Work?  (2) Antiviral activity of the Lippia graveolens (Mexican oregano) essential oil and its main compound carvacrol against human and animal viruses (3) NIH- Essential Oils of Oregano: Biological Activity beyond Their Antimicrobial Properties


Cancer Symptoms: A Page from  "Dr. Jess' Empowered Wellness Recipe Book"

Dr. Jess Sabrowsky has dedicated her practice to the expansion of personalized Holistic Support for a community of patients suffering from chronic health disorders.  This includes the many challenging symptoms caused by cancers, and its heavy treatments.  Combining conventional sciences with complementary therapies, the following are excerpts from an interview covering her strategies and sample modalities to mitigate the physical, emotional, and mental issues commonly experienced by cancer patients.

- Individualized Treatment Plans: Tailored treatment approaches that combine nutritional counseling, lifestyle modifications, stress management techniques, and targeted supplementation. Dr. Jess refers to her approach as “Brain and Body Wellness”. Examples of tailored treatment plans include weight loss, gut health, eczema, menopause, neuropathy, anxiety and more. 

- Strengthening the Immune System: Utilizing functional medicine approaches to enhance the body's immune system to aid in fighting cancer and support recovery. Examples include Pulse Electromagnetic Field Therapy, Hyperbaric chamber, Nutritional IV drips and supplement recommendations. 

- Minimizing Side Effects of Traditional Cancer Treatments: Providing integrative options to alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy, radiation, and other conventional cancer treatments (e.g., nausea, fatigue, and neuropathy). Minimizing side effects with hydration IVs, nutritional support and supplement recommendations. 

- Mental and Emotional Healing: Support through mindfulness practices, meditation, and emotional well-being strategies to help individuals cope with the mental stress of a cancer diagnosis and treatment. Examples include Quantum Neuro Reset Therapy, Biomagnetism, Pulse Electromagnetic Field Therapy as well as nutritional support. Dr. Jess is more than a provider, she is an advocate. 

- Nutritional Therapy and Detox Support: Expert guidance on anti-cancer nutrition, detoxifying the body from harmful chemicals, and fostering a cancer-fighting environment through diet and supplementation. 

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