Friday, November 1, 2024

Wellness Events Review: Liza Calache, Event Producer of Holistic Health Educational Expo (10/12-13, 2024)

Interview transcript: by Liza Calache

I'm so proud that I was able to host New Jersey's very first holistically Healthy Expo. It was held on October 12th and 13th in North Bergen, New Jersey. This was special because this was the first ever in New Jersey. It always happens in other big cities. But I wanted to put New Jersey on the map and not just put it on the map, but leave a mark there because the powerhouse of speakers that were there. I've been told have never been brought together in one room before. I still (to this day) get messages saying that they were so amazed at the information that they received. They didn't know the level of information that they were going to get. They just thought this was a regular expo where you visit booths and people try to sell you what they have. 

But this was an educational expo and quite a diverse and comprehensive one at that. That's what made this different.  For DAY ONE, the types of speakers in day one was about General Health, and we had everything from Biomagnetism to holistic dentistry. We had a holistic VET, we had homeopathy, even an executive chef (who happens to be my brother). He explained how you can stay healthy in your own kitchen. And so there was a wide variety of topics around this.  Then in DAY TWO, we covered cancer support because that to me is the new epidemic. I wanted to make sure that whoever is being plagued by this disease, or know somebody who is, they have the resources to make an educated decision to not just follow the mainstream, but to say, "Hey, there are other options out there, and let me see what's good for my body." 

I see patients all the time that come to me with a diagnosis of cancer.  They're thankful for the help I provide and the many support systems that we have. But then the problem that tends to arise is the COMPLACENSE that occurs once they're done with cancer treatments. Some  think, "okay, I'm done... I can just go back to the lifestyle I had before".  I've noticed that when somebody has cancer, you have to have a maintenance program because it's just really a matter of time before it's just gonna make its occurrence somewhere else. If the lifestyle does not stay up here, with diet, exercise, and all the other things that are needed. So recurrence is a big topic that people need to know about. It's not just "...okay, I had cancer, it's gone now. Okay, I'm good".  I think there needs to be more awareness that needs to be made about that for sure. 

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