Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Addressing Chemotherapy-Induced Brain Fog in Women through Brain Training

By Marilyn Abrahamson, MA,CCC-SLP - CBHC 

Chemotherapy is a cornerstone of cancer treatment, offering hope and often life-saving benefits to millions of patients worldwide. However, while its efficacy in combating cancer is well-documented, the toll it takes on patients' cognitive function is an often overlooked aspect of the treatment journey.  

Among the many side effects experienced by chemotherapy recipients, “chemo-fog,” "chemo brain," or chemotherapy-induced cognitive impairment (CICI) is a prevalent and distressing issue, particularly for women. This phenomenon encompasses a range of cognitive impairments, including changes in memory, difficulty with focus, and slower processing speed. These symptoms can impact daily functioning, productivity, and quality of life overall. Despite its prevalence and impact, the experience of chemotherapy-induced brain fog in women is often dismissed or trivialized, leaving many feeling unheard and unsupported. 

One of the challenges in addressing chemotherapy-induced brain fog is the lack of understanding and recognition within both the medical community and society at large. Many healthcare professionals may attribute cognitive symptoms to stress or anxiety, overlooking the physiological impact of chemotherapy on the brain. As a result, women may struggle to receive appropriate support and accommodations for their cognitive difficulties, further exacerbating feelings of frustration and isolation. 

More research is needed in this area. However, cognitive therapy and brain training techniques hold promise in mitigating the cognitive effects of chemotherapy. Brain training encompasses a variety of attention and memory strategies and exercises designed to improve cognitive function. It has also been shown to improve memory, processing speed, and executive function skills such as attention, organization, planning, and decision-making. These interventions target neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to reorganize and form new neural connections, offering hope for enhancing cognitive resilience in chemotherapy recipients. 

A quality comprehensive brain training program will also include education on incorporating lifestyle modifications and holistic approaches to further support cognitive health in chemotherapy recipients. Lifestyle choices that include regular exercise, healthy nutrition, adequate good-quality sleep, stress management, social engagement, and the importance of lifelong learning have been shown to promote brain health and resilience. Integrating these practices into a comprehensive care plan can complement the benefits of brain training and empower women to manage their cognitive well-being proactively. 

Furthermore, raising awareness and fostering open dialogue about chemotherapy-induced brain fog are essential steps in ensuring that women feel heard and supported throughout their treatment journey. Healthcare providers are crucial in validating patients' experiences, advocating for their needs, and connecting them with appropriate resources and support services.   

By recognizing the impact of cognitive impairment and implementing targeted interventions such as brain training, we can empower women to reclaim their cognitive function by using their brains differently to improve their overall well-being. Through a collaborative effort involving healthcare providers, researchers, and society, we can bridge the gap and ensure that women feel heard, supported, and empowered in their journey toward cognitive recovery and recovery. 

MARILYN ABRAHAMSON, MA, CCC-SLP-CBHC is co-owner of BrainThrive Consulting and co-creator of the ©Long Live Your Brain program, an online group brain health coaching program for people striving for more reliable memory, attention, and clearer thinking. More information can be found at Marilyn is also an Amen Clinics Certified Brain Health Coach and has been a Speech-Language Pathologist since 1987. 

 Copyright Notice: The materials provided on this website/web-based article are copyrighted and the intellectual property of the publishers/producers (The NY Cancer Resource Alliance/IntermediaWorx inc. and The AngioFoundation). It is provided publicly strictly for informational purposes within non-commercial use and not for purposes of resale, distribution, public display or performance. Unless otherwise indicated on this web based page, sharing, re-posting, re-publishing of this work is strictly prohibited without due permission from the publishers.  Also, certain content may be licensed from third-parties. The licenses for some of this Content may contain additional terms. When such Content licenses contain additional terms, we will make these terms available to you on those pages (which his incorporated herein by reference).The publishers/producers of this site and its contents such as videos, graphics, text, and other materials published are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, please always seek the advice of your physician or a qualified health provider. Do not postpone or disregard any professional medical advice over something you may have seen or read on this website. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 9-1-1 immediately.  This website does not support, endorse or recommend any specific products, tests, physicians, procedures, treatment opinions or other information that may be mentioned on this site. Referencing any content or information seen or published in this website or shared by other visitors of this website is solely at your own risk. The publishers/producers of this Internet web site reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify, disable access to, or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, all or any part of this Internet web site or any information contained thereon without liability or notice to you.

Thursday, March 14, 2024


NYCRA NEWS- Genetic Predisposition (Vol. 1- Spring Issue 2024)

By definition, diseases like CANCER are not directly hereditary. Unlike genetic traits and characteristics passed down to children like blood type and eye color, chronic diseases like cancer are recognized to be contracted through the environment (external impact). However, as cancer is a form of genetic mutation, genetic changes that increase the risk of cancer CAN be passed down or inherited.  

When a specific cancer type is prevalent in one side of the family, the cancer is recognized as a FAMILIAL cancer. Most of them are caused by genetic mutation in a gene related to cancer susceptibility. In addition, a term called "family cancer syndrome" (or "hereditary cancer syndrome") is a rare disorder in which family members have an above-average chance of developing a certain type or types of cancer. Family cancer syndromes are caused by inherited genetic variants in certain cancer-related genes. [1]

It is reported that up to 10% of all cancer cases may be caused by inherited genetic mutation or changes. These are called CANCER PREDISPOSITION genes. Individuals who carry a mutant allele of these genes have an increased susceptibility to cancer. It is now widely identified that an accumulation of genetic or epigenetic alterations affect the conversion of normal cells to cancer cells. [2]

Oftentimes, researchers of hereditary cancers will reference breast cancer gene 1 (BRCA1) and breast cancer gene 2 (BRCA2).  Specific alterations in these genes disable their function such that, inheriting such mutations may preclude you to contract breast (and other) cancers. Having a strong history of breast cancer may often be linked to acquiring a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation. Family members with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations often share the same mutation. [3]

Another predisposition scenario is Lynch syndrome; according to the CDC, carrying this condition holds a 1 in 2 (50%) heredity chance of your children also having Lynch syndrome. Genetic testing for Lynch syndrome can be considered once your children reach adulthood.  Similarly, the most common are hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC) syndrome. Anyone with HBOC syndrome holds a higher risk for breast and ovarian as well as advanced and pancreatic cancers. [4]

Today's advancements in genetic tests can determine the possibility of an elevated risk of cancer. For those who come from a family with a history of breast and ovarian cancer make screening and treatment decisions. Not everyone needs to get genetic testing for cancer risk. Your doctor or health care provider can help you decide if you should get tested for genetic changes that increase cancer risk. They will likely ask if you have certain patterns in your personal or family medical history, such as cancer at an unusually young age or several relatives with the same kind of cancer.

Physicians may recommend genetic testing. It is advised to start with a genetic counselor who presents the potential risks, benefits, and drawbacks of genetic testing in your situation. Genetic counselors are also trained to review genetic test results with patients and/or their families and provide guidance in decision-making from those results. There are at-home genetic tests that one can order directly. Thanks to Dr. Google, there's more information on the types of consumer-accessible tests on the market- but these tests may have drawbacks or limitations when it comes to the prospect of genetic predisposition and genetic changes that increases cancer risk. Genetic counselors may be a helpful resource for identifying these test products as well.

For more information on what tests are available and who may want to consider them, visit the NIH/NCA Genetic Testing for Inherited Cancer Susceptibility Syndromes.

1) The Genetics of Cancer: NIH-,in%20certain%20cancer%2Drelated%20genes.  The Genetics of Cancer |  2) Cancer predisposition genes: molecular mechanisms and clinical impact on personalized cancer care: examples of Lynch and HBOC syndromes - Published online 2015 Nov 30. doi: 10.1038/aps.2015.89,an%20increased%20susceptibility%20to%20cancer. |  3) Family Health History and the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes/ CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-,%2C%20ovarian%2C%20and%20other%20cancers. |  4) Family Health History and Cancer: Which Hereditary Conditions Raise My Chances of Getting Cancer? / CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-,advanced%20prostate%2C%20and%20pancreatic%20cancers.

By: Roberta Kline, MD 

Cancer comes from one of two ways. One is that you have inherited genetic mutations that significantly increase your risk for specific types of cancer. But overall, that's a minority of cancer cases. The majority of cancers occur because of an interaction between your individual genes and the environment that they've been exposed to throughout your lifetime. Both of them can be tested for.  And if you know what you're dealing with, you can create a plan that's specific for you that enables you to be proactive. This enables you to have that locus of control that you know what's going on in your body, but you don't know if you don't test. Therefore, TEST- DON'T GUESS!  And then you can create your roadmap that works for you.

Especially with breast cancer, we know that 90% of the cases are not due to known inherited genetic mutations like BRCA1. The majority of them are due to very small changes in your DNA that interact with your environment over your lifetime that predispose you to developing breast cancer. But if you don't know that you have these predispositions, you can unknowingly be exacerbating the problem. If you've been tested and you know what your genes are doing, you can proactively create a plan to minimize your risk throughout your lifetime. 

We understand genetic mutations to cause severe diseases, predominantly causing certain types of cancers. But rather than living in fear of what you may or may not have inherited from your parents, and whether you may or may not develop the same diseases that they carried- get tested, so you won't find yourself guessing.  Through gene testing protocols, you can precisely identify where you need to focus your resources, your attention- and when you can let go of that (unnecessary) fear.

Because genetic testing can be very specific, one of the biggest challenges for proactive people about their health is to know WHAT to test for. What test do you use? Is there a test that's better for you than others? These are important questions and the amount of information available (while great) can be quite overwhelming. The best suggestion is to speak to a trained medical professional or a genetic specialist who can help you navigate through the vast collection of available tests to find what is right for you.  What you want is a test that has value. And in order to have value, it needs to answer your questions and provide you a roadmap for what you can do proactively for your health for the future. 

So when you look at the issue of breast cancer in Long Island and how it is tied to these environmental toxins, what you're seeing is these environmental toxins can potentially, if it's a large enough dose, create mutations in somebody's DNA, but what is most likely happening (and this I do have to check on,) what is most likely happening is it's overwhelming the body's ability to process these toxins. When your body processes any kind of chemical, including these toxins, it produces oxidative stress. When you have too much oxidative stress for your body to handle, this has a tendency of creating DNA breaks. So it's not the toxin directly causing DNA breaks necessarily, it's that your body can't get rid of that toxin fast enough or efficiently enough. And so its own biological processes that are supposed to deal with this are the ones that actually cause the DNA breaks (mutation) and the changes in the DNA that increase the risk of breast cancer. 

 This is the second part of that pathway by which estrogen as well as other chemicals can cause breast cancer.  Conventional medicine pays attention to the binding of estrogen to the estrogen receptor causing proliferation. Excessive proliferation can lead to a higher chance of DNA breaks. Every time that DNA replicates, (which is what happens when you create proliferation) when the cells grow, every time that DNA replicates, there's a chance that it will cause an error in that replication and leave a mutation in the DNA. Now, we have lots of processes that are built in to safeguard against that. We have DNA repair mechanisms, we have all sorts of machinery that is designed to catch breaks in the DNA before they get integrated into the person's biology. If you overwhelm that, those breaks stay. 

To note, estrogen itself is a toxin, even though we produce it ourselves. Studying the other part of estrogen metabolism, which is the same process that happens with all of these toxins is that it goes through what we call DETOXIFICATION or BIOTRANSFORMATION. You're transforming something that's potentially toxic, ultimately into a molecule or a chemical that is non-toxic and gets eliminated from the body. Within that process, you are often creating even more toxic chemicals in the intermediary stages, and that's what requires a high level of antioxidant defense as well as other biological systems to keep those contained and keep them in check and funnel them quickly into the benign molecules out of the body. This is the second way that you can create DNA damage that you can create cancer because you are overwhelming the body's ability to neutralize those toxic compounds that your body is creating as a result of whatever it's taking in. This has to do with oxidative stress, which is linked to INFLAMMATION, which we know underlies almost every cancer process. 


ROBERTA KLINE, MD (Educational Dir. /Women's Diagnostic Group) is a board-certified ObGyn physician, Integrative Personalized Medicine expert, consultant, author, and educator whose mission is to change how we approach health and deliver healthcare. She helped to create the Integrative & Functional Medicine program for a family practice residency, has consulted with Sodexo to implement the first personalized nutrition menu for healthcare facilities, and serves as Education Director for several organizations including the Women’s Diagnostic Health Network, Mommies on a Mission. Learn more at


(Special thanks to: Dr. Robert L. Bard, Cancer Imaging Specialist)

I was fortunate to have benefited personally from this effort when I had my first screening mammogram shortly after the law went into effect. The reading radiologist personally informed me of my high breast density immediately after the mammogram, and after recommending a breast ultrasound for further evaluation this was done right then and there. I walked away from my appointment feeling well informed, and any potential anxiety relieved by the prompt additional imaging and results. I also knew that I needed a different approach for my screenings going forward.

Between 2009 and 2019, 37 other states and D.C. passed legislation requiring notification of breast density, one of the last being my new home state of New Mexico. In 2019 a federal law was passed to require both clinician and patient reports contain plain language around the woman’s breast density, and to discuss with her provider. The FDA then created standard language that has now been implemented, requiring reporting on a woman’s individual breast density, and recommendation to discuss with her provider.

 There is still much to be learned about what causes dense breasts and why women with dense breasts have an increased risk of breast cancer, and our ongoing study is one of many that are seeking to answer these questions at the molecular and genetic level. But the evidence that supplementing mammograms with other imaging modalities can increase the rate of early detection is substantial, and provides us with tools we can use right now to make a difference. [3,4]  Despite this progress, there are still significant hurdles in changing the standard of care. A recent experience with my routine breast cancer screening highlighted the ongoing challenges. When I had asked to schedule an ultrasound with my screening mammogram, I was informed that it was not done this way – I could only get a mammogram. After my mammogram, I had to wait to receive my letter in the mail approximately one week later to be able to take any additional steps. The interpretation included a description of breast density and recommended to discuss any additional care with my physician. 

When I called to schedule an ultrasound, I was told that since the radiologist did not recommend it in the report, I could not schedule it. I then had to speak with my primary care provider, educating her on dense breasts and why I needed an ultrasound. Luckily, she agreed to order one. While the radiology facility still questioned the order, eventually I was able to have this done. When the radiologist came in to discuss my results, she too was confused as to why I was having the ultrasound, and was not aware that this should be standard for women with dense breasts.

Fortunately all was fine, but had I not been a physician that was fully aware of this issue, I would very likely have had only a mammogram and walked away with a dangerously false sense of security. This experience highlighted for me how much still needed to be done more than 20 years after my first experience. Legislation is only part of the solution. Clinician education and public awareness are the keys to changing how the intention behind these laws gets translated into actual change in health care. As I experienced, many clinicians are ill-informed about the nature of dense breasts, and options for adjunctive screening including ultrasound or MRI. This means that many of these reports end up being filed away with no further action being taken that could make a significant difference in early detection and saving lives.

Dense Breast Ultrasound Study

Molloy University Labs, NY. Dr. Noelle Cutter works with live breast cancer cells in dense breast tissue (Adenocarcinoma, breast, epithelial ER+ -estrogen receptor expressed). 

3/6-3/8/2024 – This observational study explores the functional phenotypic differences that make dense breast tissue. Because it is widely noted that women with dense breasts have a greater likelihood of developing cancer, understanding the pathways and changes in gene expression may offer the first avenue for the enzymes enrolled and drug targets for personalized medicine in pursuit of developing better treatment options.

Day 1: Dr. Cutter is establishing the effectiveness of the tissue culture methods, indicating the capability of growing the cells.  Working with epithelial cells that are growing at the expected density rate, she is able to start extracting DNA, RNA and proteins. By running functional analysis, the study allows for the observation of cell reaction from oxidative stress in the cell line. Additional information gathered include apoptosis (to monitor the cellular death) vs. general growth rate to understand their growth properties. 

Day 2: Part of the functional analysis include the induction of environmental stress to provoke oxidative stress response to record cell endurance within breast cancer cell lines. Over 36 trials showed response to oxidative stress which could mimic inflammatory response from environmental stresses. Reports indicate continued cellular survival and that “they're happy to keep growing… without any change in cellular deaths”.  Activating oxidative stress included: physically adding stressors such as hydrogen peroxide, serum-starving and glucose-starving the cells- all presenting the same response.

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Copyright Notice: The materials provided on this website/web-based article are copyrighted and the intellectual property of the publishers/producers (The NY Cancer Resource Alliance/IntermediaWorx inc. and The AngioFoundation). It is provided publicly strictly for informational purposes within non-commercial use and not for purposes of resale, distribution, public display or performance. Unless otherwise indicated on this web based page, sharing, re-posting, re-publishing of this work is strictly prohibited without due permission from the publishers.  Also, certain content may be licensed from third-parties. The licenses for some of this Content may contain additional terms. When such Content licenses contain additional terms, we will make these terms available to you on those pages (which his incorporated herein by reference).The publishers/producers of this site and its contents such as videos, graphics, text, and other materials published are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, please always seek the advice of your physician or a qualified health provider. Do not postpone or disregard any professional medical advice over something you may have seen or read on this website. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 9-1-1 immediately.  This website does not support, endorse or recommend any specific products, tests, physicians, procedures, treatment opinions or other information that may be mentioned on this site. Referencing any content or information seen or published in this website or shared by other visitors of this website is solely at your own risk. The publishers/producers of this Internet web site reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify, disable access to, or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, all or any part of this Internet web site or any information contained thereon without liability or notice to you.

Friday, March 8, 2024

EndoFound Patient Symposium 2024: Dr. R. Kline presents "Genomics & Epigenetics in Endometriosis)


March 3, 2024 - Dr. Roberta Kline (Functional Genomics Specialist) delivered the first presentation of its class - aligning clinical Genetic Testing and Endometriosis at the 15th Annual Patient Symposium of the Endometriosis Foundation of America (also known as ‘EndoFound’). Her lecture review titled "Unlocking the Mystery of Your Genes: The Role of Genomics and Epigenetics in Endometriosis" introduced unique insights in the role of functional genetic expression testing for patients and clinicians alike.  As a licensed physician and former OBGYN, Dr. Kline spoke resoundingly to the sufferer in a quest for answers with undeniable compassion backed by sensible science that appeals to a wide array of audiences. Dr. Kline received a well-received response from her direct audience and those online and beyond.  She also received special recognition from patient care community where the vast majority expressed admiration for her holistic and complementary approach to this debilitating health disorder.  Dr. Kline credits her engaging design for women's health to her extended training in functional medicine.

In order to address endometriosis more effectively, we first need to understand what causes it. And it turns out it's not so simple. Endometriosis is a very complex disease, which means that there is no single cause and no single answer. That has led to significant challenges in how we diagnose and treat it.

What's exciting is that genetic expression research is providing lots of different clues as to what's really causing endometriosis. This opens up new opportunities for better diagnostics, earlier detection, and more effective treatments because they're personalized and hopefully address the disease earlier in the process. Perhaps in the future, we can be talking about prevention of endometriosis altogether. 

Enough reports identify that endometriosis runs in families, and there is clearly an inherited genetic component. Indeed, research has shown that genetics can account for up to half of a woman’s risk. But what is equally important is that environmental influences make up the other half. This gives us a lot of opportunity to intervene and potentially change the course of the disease.

DNA contains the genetic code and it is the blueprint for everything that runs in our biology. Our DNA is stored in a compact form called chromosomes, and specific sections of that DNA called genes provide the code for proteins. These proteins do everything to run our biology, making them the real workhorses. And our biology doesn't run well if they're not working right. 

Gene expression is the process of translating genes into proteins. Sometimes, errors occur in the DNA code that can change the instructions for making the protein. This can alter how that gene gets expressed and how the protein gets produced. Generally, this happens through genetic mutations (which are typically rare but can have serious consequences). This is what causes diseases like sickle cell anemia or even Down syndrome. Much more commonly, we can also have errors in our DNA that are called polymorphisms. Now, these are also called SNPs for short. These are very tiny errors that don't have the big impact that the mutations have, but they can still potentially alter biochemistry and lead to disease over time. M-T-H-F-R is one gene that you may have heard of that has a common SNP that many of us carry.

In addition to the DNA code itself, there's one more layer of consideration- epigenetics. Epigenetics literally means above the genome, and it turns genes on and off by adding and removing little chemical tags. It does not affect the DNA sequence itself. It is not like the mutations or the polymorphisms that alter the genes that produce proteins. It just is turning those genes on and off. 

Epigenetics is actually a crucial mechanism for guiding embryological development, and it's really a complex dance, if you will, to get the timing sequences right. But epigenetics also works throughout our lifetime to help us adapt to our environment and experiences.

All of these processes regulate gene expression, and they do this synergistically. They're all working together - multiple layers that end up with a certain outcome of gene expression. All of these can be inherited, so you can inherit not only mutations but SNPs and epigenetic changes. This can be especially important when we're talking about inheriting trauma. All of these will influence health or disease, including endometriosis. But where it gets really exciting is when we start talking about the interaction with the environment. 

As you can see in this diagram, there are many things that influence how gene expression eventually gets translated through the epigenome and the genome. This gives us the potential to modify genetic expression and potentially change the outcome. 

In broader terms, out of all the things that you cannot control in your experience with endometriosis, (including your genes themselves), genetic expression can be influenced. This mode of intervention is a powerful way to regain some control over a disease that so much of the time feels like it's controlling you. By this, gene expression research has shown that multiple pathways are involved in causing endometriosis. That can initially seem overwhelming, but conversely, this gene expression gives us multiple pathways to healing the disease. 

A variety of biological pathways have been implicated in endometriosis, including hormone metabolism (particularly estrogen and progesterone), inflammation and oxidative stress, detoxification of chemicals and toxins, vascular growth factors and angiogenesis, as well as processes regulating DNA repair, tumor suppression, cell growth and death, and cell signaling.

Studies identify estrogen and progesterone metabolism to be the most well-known, but this condensed review shall focus on inflammation. Oxidative stress is included in this report because inflammation and oxidative stress are found to commonly go hand in hand (recognized as the yin and yang)- whereby, referring to one tends to also identify the other.

One thing to remember is that as we go through some different strategies, each strategy itself can influence gene expression and, therefore, potentially, the disease. But they are synergistic. The more of them that you do and do consistently, the better they work; they actually amplify each other. So together, they're much more powerful than using just one. 

Specific to this disorder, it is recommended to eat foods that specifically “talk” to our genes and provides critical support for our biochemistry in a positive way.  This includes supporting healthy immune and antioxidant systems. 

The Mediterranean diet has been shown to be overall the healthiest way to feed our genes and support our epigenetics. This includes key vitamins and minerals, also phytonutrients, such as resveratrol, quercetin, green tea or curcumin - you may have heard of some of these.  There's also fiber for the microbiome, which is just as important in talking with our genes and our gene expression.

There are healthy fats and proteins, and of course, minimally processed foods and few refined sugars. These alone can make a big difference in terms of your genetic expression, guiding it towards a healthier way.

Most of us think of exercise as something to stay fit or to lose weight, but movement is actually part of a body-wide communication similar to our hormones. When you exercise, that sets into motion communication that goes throughout your body and affects all sorts of different systems. 

The key is to pick something that you enjoy that you can do every day. Whether you walk or hike, work out at a gym, do some more conventional types of exercises, or maybe you like to dance or garden, or even do things when you go out and play, these are all different ways to move your body.  And if you can move it every day, that sends signals to your genes to express in a way that supports your health rather than disease.

Getting a good night's sleep is crucial for so many reasons.  Sleep is an active state. This is when you repair your DNA, process experiences, and regenerate your cellular biology including your immune system. Our circadian rhythm is also directly linked to gene expression, so both the amount and the timing are important.

Aim for about six to eight hours of sleep, and the timing is critical. Sleeping before midnight and getting most of your sleep between 9 or 10 pm and 6 or 7:00 AM are ways to better support your body's restoration. Avoiding night shifts and frequent travel across multiple time zones can also be helpful.  And of course, if you have issues that are interrupting your ability to get good night's sleep, please get them addressed.

Stress is one of the biggest contributors to dysfunction in our biology, and it directly influences gene expression throughout our whole body, including our gut. Stress is a biological response. It's not just in your head. It’s a response to both internal events, such as our thoughts and beliefs, as well as external events such as trauma, relationships, or deadlines at work. 

Many ways have been shown to reduce stress or help people create resilience during stressful times. Importantly, it's about choosing something that works for you. What I generally suggest is to try a few things that seem to work for you so you have multiple tools in your toolbox because you probably will need different ones at different times. 

Here's a list of many things that have been shown to reduce stress. These include meditation, massage, energy work, creative outlets, being in nature or with pets, connection with others – and even hugs. One that many people don't think about is joy.

When we are in a state of joy, we cannot physiologically also be in a state of stress. So remembering to put joy into your life on a regular basis is actually a great way to manage stress.

Toxins directly and indirectly damage DNA and alter our biological processes. So, minimizing the toxins in your daily life is going to be important. Obviously, you cannot control the air, water, and soil around you, but there are things you can do to minimize your exposure. 

One of the greatest points of exposure is through personal care products, so make sure you read your labels. Know what you're putting on your body, because what you put on your body also goes in your body.

Once you've done all that, the next question is, “how do I know if it is working?” You can go by symptoms, and that is certainly one barometer that you can use to gauge how effective your strategies are, but you can go even deeper.  Testing allows you to be more precise and eliminate a lot of the guessing. And there are two ways to do this.  You can test your genetic expression and the things that underlie that in terms of genetic testing, genomic testing and epigenetic testing to personalize nutrition, lifestyle, even medication choices. 

The other place to get tested is in your regular lab tests. These include conventional and functional labs. It also includes your microbiome. Your gut is a very important part of both your immune system as well as your overall health. So doing all of these strategies or picking and choosing which ones work for you is a great place to start. And for many that may be all you need. 

But if you want to dive deeper, either because you want to be more precise or because what you're doing is not quite getting you the results you want in terms of your symptoms, then go deeper. Test what's going on in your biology, in your biochemistry, so then you can know what's working, what's not, and where you need to adjust.

Hopefully, this review provides a hopeful glimpse into the future, in addition to the existing ray of hope in today’s science. There is much that can be done that can make a difference in your life and in your current state of health. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Press Release: WHC Director Dr. R. Kline Presents @ EndoFound 2024 on Gene Expression

For Immediate Release

March 3, 2024 - Dr. Roberta Kline (former OBGYN and Functional Genomics Specialist) delivered a field-based presentation about Genetics and Endometriosis at the 15th Annual Patient Symposium of the Endometriosis Foundation of America (also known as EndoFound). Her clinical review titled "Unlocking the Mystery of Your Genes: The Role of Genomics and Epigenetics in Endometriosis" offered a special and unique insight in the role of functional genetic expression testing for patients and clinicians alike.  


As this year's appointed director of clinical education of the WOMEN'S HEALTH COLLABORATIVE (an educational branch of the AngioFoundation 501c3), Dr. Kline's professional work in the study of women's disorders continues beyond her tenure as an OBGYN - pursuing a profound career as a medical educator on the national stage. “I believe the future of diagnostics lies in genomics and epigenetics, not just for endometriosis, but for many diseases we don’t have simple tests for,” Dr. Kline starts. “Through the WHC, we’ve been getting more into the community and conventional medical system to educate people. They don’t need to be experts in all these different modalities, but they need to be aware of it and come to it with an open mind. I’ve been in both worlds and understand the mindset, training, and realities of conventional practice, and I can tell you this science is not experimental anymore. It’s real, and it is changing how we approach health and disease. And healthcare needs to change, too.”

"For a decade and a half, EndoFound's annual patient symposium has consistently stood as a cornerstone for educating patients and the public about endometriosis. As one of the pioneering organizations to initiate such an event, the patient symposium brings together individuals impacted by endometriosis, offering them crucial tools, information, and a sense of community to improve their lives," said Carolyn Mayer, EndoFound's Senior Program Manager.  "This year, we've arranged over 50 speakers and organized a vibrant networking reception to conclude day one, fostering a sense of community." Mayer added that, as part of EndoFound's ongoing mission to educate the public and patients, there are plans to reach out to schools regarding the expanded ENPOWR™ Project (Endometriosis: Promoting Outreach and Wide Recognition). This initiative introduces a series of videos and an e-course tailored for nationwide education in grades 9-12 about endometriosis and menstrual health. 

In March of 2023, Dr. Kline confirmed her research partnership with Dr. Robert Bard and the IHRC (the Integrative Health Research Center on 60th Street in NYC) where she helps to blueprint a series of pilot studies on some of the most critical health issues including Dense Breast Tissue, endometrial inflammation, Urinary Incontinence and other Pelvic Disorders. They are scheduled to conduct pilot studies to monitor the efficacy of non-invasive therapies including pulsed bioenergy frequency and photobiomodulation technology. "We are extremely proud to have our own Dr. Kline be chosen to present at this year's Endometriosis Foundation annual conference," states Dr. Bard. "Her expertise in the complex science of gene expression and her extensive knowledge in women's health sciences has added so much to our educational and exploratory research initiatives... and having her present her findings to the medical and patient communities will significantly add new dimension to this educational event."

The 15th Annual Endometriosis Foundation of America Patient Symposium, "Understand Your Endo, Take Control of Your Life!" is a 2-day event from March 2-3 at the 4W43 Building - 4 West 43rd St. in New York City.  This public event brings together a community of strength, resilience, and shared knowledge at its Patient Symposium. This weekend-long event will feature more than 30 speakers—doctors, surgeons, researchers, therapists, and activists, among many others— who will provide the tools and information that individuals with endometriosis need to lead their best lives while managing this challenging condition.

Click HERE to see Dr. Kline's full transcript of this presentation <

"After her talk, I felt compelled to approach Dr. Kline because what she shared on stage was profound. It was the message that every woman with endometriosis needs to hear—a message I wish I had encountered sooner, as it would have opened my eyes to the truth. I approached her because I feel a deep connection with her mission, and I am eager to help spread this crucial message. Having tried and tested it myself, and seeing its effectiveness in many others, I am hopeful that I can help extend its reach to as many individuals as necessary." 
 - Milcah Joy Macatiag / empowerment speaker for Endo patients


I believe it's time to collectively acknowledge the existence of different endometriosis types that demand specific attention in terms of terminology. Understanding that we may need different imaging techniques and surgical approaches to detect and treat them is crucial. Reconsidering, and more importantly, redefining the classification/terminology we use, steering away from the generic endo I-IV or deep/superficial endo, could contribute to a more accurate and nuanced discourse. Embracing a more detailed and tailored classification system would not only better reflect the diverse nature of the condition but also pave the way for more precise diagnosis and effective treatment strategies. This shift in terminology could enhance communication among healthcare professionals, researchers, and patients, fostering a deeper understanding of the complex manifestations of endometriosis, a multisystem disease. (see full feature)


Michelle, a 30-year-old African American woman, sits in her psychiatrist's office, her face etched with a mix of frustration and despair. She's been battling excruciating pain, fatigue, and a gnawing sense of hopelessness for years. The culprit behind her suffering? Endometriosis, a condition that has not only taken a toll on her physical health but has also cast a shadow over her mental well-being.

Endometriosis is a chronic inflammatory disease in which tissue like the inner lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus and affects roughly 10% (190 million) of reproductive age women and girls globally. It is associated with severe, life-impacting pain during periods, sexual intercourse, bowel movements and/or urination, abdominal bloating, nausea, fatigue, infertility, and even psychiatric vulnerability such as depression and anxiety. With no cure currently, treatment is aimed at controlling symptoms and thus strongly suggests a multidisciplinary approach.

Endometriosis has been increasingly recognized for its profound impact on mental health, especially in patients like Michelle who face challenges in accessing consistent healthcare due to gaps in insurance coverage. The psychiatric aspects of endometriosis encompass a wide array of challenges, from depression and anxiety to impaired quality of life and intimate relationships. This case vignette aims to shed light on the interplay between endometriosis and psychiatric health, drawing attention to the need for a holistic approach to patient care.

Understanding the Psychological Burden of Pain 
Endometriosis presents a significant burden of pain, with 60% of affected women experiencing it as a predominant symptom, while 40% grapple with infertility. This pain isn't just physical; it inflicts a profound psychological toll, often leading to a susceptibility to various psychiatric disorders. Women enduring pelvic pain from endometriosis are particularly vulnerable to developing affective or anxiety disorders, alongside a heightened risk of substance use disorders. Consequently, the combination of pelvic pain, infertility, and the increased propensity for psychiatric conditions commonly results in disability and a markedly diminished quality of life for women of reproductive age.

Michelle's journey with endometriosis commenced in her twenties, marked by severe pelvic pain and irregular menstrual cycles. Over time, the relentless pain eroded her mental well-being, plunging her into a state of chronic distress. Feelings of helplessness and frustration became constant companions as she grappled with the unpredictable nature of her symptoms. The emotional turmoil compounded her physical suffering, creating a vicious cycle that seemed insurmountable.

With a significant family history of endometriosis, including her mother, maternal aunt, and sister, Michelle's genetic predisposition compounded her struggles. Her work history bore the brunt of her condition's impact, with an inability to maintain employment for more than two years due to chronic pelvic pain frequently hindering her attendance. Despite her desire to start a family with her partner of six years, Michelle faced disappointment on that front as well, unable to conceive. However, recent access to consistent healthcare under her husband's insurance has provided a glimmer of hope amidst her challenges.

The psychiatric ramifications of endometriosis are multifaceted. Chronic pain, a defining characteristic of the condition, can precipitate the onset of mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. Research underscores that individuals grappling with endometriosis are at an elevated risk of experiencing psychological distress, resulting in diminished quality of life and impaired social functioning. The unpredictable nature of the disease, compounded by diagnostic and treatment challenges, exacerbates feelings of disempowerment and emotional upheaval in patients like Michelle.

Pain associated with endometriosis manifests in various forms, encompassing dysuria (pain during urination), dysmenorrhea (pelvic pain during menstrual flow), and dyspareunia (pain during sexual intercourse). Chronic pelvic pain (CPP), lasting at least six months, is a hallmark symptom and may coincide with lower pain thresholds. Individual pain perception is influenced by a myriad of factors, including personality traits, coping mechanisms, stress levels, and past traumas. Consequently, endometriosis profoundly impacts self-esteem, emotional stability, and overall quality of life, with pain serving as a pivotal driver of distress and psychiatric symptoms.

Michelle was started on medication regimen for her anxiety and depression from her psychiatrist. She also became engaged in individual therapy and involved with an endometriosis online community. She continues to have regular follow-up with her gynecologist who specializes in endometriosis.

Neurobiological Mechanisms and Psychological Distress 
Despite its profound potential implications, the relationship between endometriosis and neuropsychiatric symptoms has received relatively limited research attention. However, existing literature indicates a significant association between endometriosis and various psychiatric symptoms, encompassing affective disorders, anxiety disorders, substance use disorders, and other psychiatric conditions. From a neurobiological standpoint, the intricate interplay of pain signaling and hormonal dysregulation in endometriosis can have extensive repercussions on mental health. The chronic inflammatory state linked to endometrial lesions can instigate neuroimmune responses that disrupt brain function and emotional well-being. Additionally, the dysregulation of sex hormones, particularly estrogen, has been implicated in mood disturbances, cognitive alterations, and changes in stress responsiveness.

These neurobiological underpinnings emphasize the imperative of adopting a comprehensive approach to patient care in addressing endometriosis-related psychiatric issues. Integrating psychiatric and psychosocial interventions alongside medical and surgical management may prove essential for catering to the multifaceted needs of individuals grappling with the complexities of endometriosis. By acknowledging the neurobiological mechanisms contributing to psychological distress in endometriosis, healthcare providers can devise treatment strategies that encompass both the physical and emotional dimensions of the condition, fostering improved outcomes and enhanced patient well-being.

Michelle's case serves as a poignant illustration of the necessity for such an integrative approach. As she battles the dual burdens of physical pain and psychological distress.

1. World Health Organization. (2023, March 24). Fact sheet. Retrieved from [].
2. Carbone, M. G., Campo, G., Papaleo, E., Marazziti, D., & Maremmani, I. (2021). The Importance of a Multi-Disciplinary Approach to the Endometriotic Patients: The Relationship between Endometriosis and Psychic Vulnerability. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10(8), 1616.
3. Goodwin, E., et al. (2023). The Association Between Endometriosis Treatments and Depression and/or Anxiety in a Population-Based Pathologically Confirmed Cohort of People with Endometriosis. Women's Health Reports, 4(1), 551-561.
4. Wang, T. M., et al. (2023). Association Between Endometriosis and Mental Disorders Including Psychiatric Disorders, Suicide, and All-Cause Mortality -A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study in Taiwan. International Journal of Women's Health, 15, 1865-1882.
5. Gao, M., Koupil, I., Sjöqvist, H., et al. (2020). Psychiatric Comorbidity Among Women with Endometriosis: Nationwide Cohort Study in Sweden. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 223(415.e1-16).
6. D'Arrigo, T. (2020, April 28). Endometriosis, Psychiatric Disorders May Raise the Risk of One Another. Psychiatric News.
7. Carbone, M. G., et al. (2021). The Importance of a Multi-Disciplinary Approach to the Endometriotic Patients: The Relationship between Endometriosis and Psychic Vulnerability. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10(8), 1616.
8. Laganà, A. S., et al. (2017). Anxiety and Depression in Patients with Endometriosis: Impact and Management Challenges. International Journal of Women's Health, 9, 323-330.
9. Vercellini, P., et al. (2017). Endometriosis: A Disease That Remains Enigmatic. Fertility and Sterility.
10. Facchin, F., et al. (2015). Impact of Endometriosis on Quality of Life and Mental Health: Pelvic Pain Makes the Difference. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology.


DR. JOYCE GREGORY holds over two decades of experience as a clinical psychiatrist specializing in addiction and mental health treatment programs.  She is dedicated to advancing solutions in both the healthcare and education sectors to enhance patient outcomes and academic achievement. She is deeply passionate about utilizing my clinical expertise and data-driven approach not only in healthcare but also in education to bridge the gap between medical science and industry. Dr. Gregory is also a recognized clinical speaker and a published educator.  Her latest educational contribution to mental health and wellness is in an upcoming series by BALANCE & LONGEVITY (WHC-TV) / Women's Health Collaborative) set to launch in the summer of 2024. 



This weekend (2/3-2/4 2024), I had the pleasure of attending the 2-day ENDOFOUND PATIENT SUMMIT- an impressive educational event produced by the Endometriosis Foundation of America. Over 50 speakers and panelists gifted the audience (of several hundred as well as the web-based viewers worldwide) with significant insight from a variety of perspectives on this chronic illness plaguing over 6 million women in this country. Presentations by some of the top clinical experts and national patient advocates imparted priceless information to sufferers and survivors alike.

We observed the design of this event to encourage optimal engagement wherever possible- giving patients complete access to clinical experts and supportive resources. We witnessed and experienced highly recognized clinicians like Dr. TAMER SECKIN (founder and leading endo surgeon) and Dr. DAN MARTIN (Scientific and Medical Director) generously present the latest updates about the disease on stage, while staying available throughout the event for anyone to approach them on a one-on-one discussion.  It is this level of public engagement that makes a patient symposium a truly effective resource for a most emotionally charged disorder, and offering profound benefits to a most underserved community.  In addition, this is what makes EndoFound a true role model for other women's health organizations who carry the flag of advocacy.

As a cancer imaging radiologist and diagnostic researcher, I am no stranger to fundraising events or patient outreach activities. But what was most unique about the EndoFound educational framework was their complete attention to the patient’s needs and a most dedicated approach to educational programming. The sentiment of a loving community-minded support was most apparent throughout the 2-day event - with a careful message to collaborate and explore available options while address the prevalent concerns of anyone 'suffering in silence'. More than about the impression of benevolence, producing a voice that’s 100% about the patient is key to what foundations were meant to providing- and every segment of this organization’s work clearly showed the fulfilment of that promise.  

As a proud supporter and donor to women’s advocacy groups (as well as a member of the medical community), I applaud the Endometriosis Foundation for their compassionate and most generous approach to uniting the world of a most challenging disease.  Hat's off to Drs. Martin and Seckin and their entire team of producers  whose work truly adds so much to the battlefield against Endometriosis.  Public outreach initiatives like EndoFound's work makes finding the answer (and expanding patient relief) an imminent reality with resonating confidence.


DR. ROBERT L. BARD has paved the way for the diagnostic study of various cancers both clinically and academically. He runs an active NYC practice (Bard Diagnostic Imaging) using the latest in digital Imaging technology which has been also used to help guide biopsies and, even replicate much of the same reports of a clinical invasive biopsy. Imaging solutions such as high-powered Sonograms, Spectral Doppler, sonofluoroscopy, 3D/4D Image Reconstruction and the Spectral Doppler are safe, noninvasive, and does not use ionizing radiation. His commitment to lead the community of cancer imaging and diagnostic experts has led to the establishment of the "Get Checked Now!" campaign.

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